“Richard Milhous Nixon” is the first US president to visit China. He visited the “People’s Republic Of China” in the year 1972 for establishing good relationships between the US and China. He was the 37th president of the United States and was the only president to resign the office. He took the office and 20th January, 1969 and left it on 9th August, 1964.
eAnswers Team
“Richard Milhous Nixon” is the first US president to visit China. He visited the “People’s Republic Of China” in the year 1972 for establishing good relationships between the US and China. He was the 37th president of the United States and was the only president to resign the office. He took the office and 20th January, 1969 and left it on 9th August, 1964.
Shane Smith
The first US president to visit China is Richard Milhous Nixon as he visited China in the year 1972.