Hotmail is an email service which was developed in 1995. It was captured by Microsoft in 1997 for $400 million. Microsoft transformed its name from hotmail to MSN Hotmail and later on again renamed as windows live hotmail. Its last version was released in 2011 and at that time hotmail had 360 million users. It was accessible in 36 different languages. In the year 2013, it was restored with
eAnswers Team
Hotmail is an email service which was developed in 1995. It was captured by Microsoft in 1997 for $400 million. Microsoft transformed its name from hotmail to MSN Hotmail and later on again renamed as windows live hotmail. Its last version was released in 2011 and at that time hotmail had 360 million users. It was accessible in 36 different languages. In the year 2013, it was restored with
Smith john
The last version of Hotmail was released in the year 2011.