The flagging system in Craigslist is used to analyze the postings which are irrelevant and illegal. Users also flag postings which they find abusive or spam. Flagging does not require any login account or registeration, it can be done by any user. The things which are to be flagged are classified as miscategorized, prohibited and spam.
eAnswers Team
The flagging system in Craigslist is used to analyze the postings which are irrelevant and illegal. Users also flag postings which they find abusive or spam. Flagging does not require any login account or registeration, it can be done by any user. The things which are to be flagged are classified as miscategorized, prohibited and spam.
Flagging system is used to identify illegal and spam postings in craigslist.
Flagging system is used to identify illegal or spam postings on craigslist.