Craigslist is an advertisement website which deals with sale, jobs, housing, services, gigs, resumes and lets you clear your doubts by talking with discussion forums. Craigslist started providing services in the San Francisco Bay area in the year 1995 and later on expanded in the US cities in the year 2000. This website supports English, French, Italian, Portugese, Dutch languages.
eAnswers Team
Craigslist is an advertisement website which deals with sale, jobs, housing, services, gigs, resumes and lets you clear your doubts by talking with discussion forums. Craigslist started providing services in the San Francisco Bay area in the year 1995 and later on expanded in the US cities in the year 2000. This website supports English, French, Italian, Portugese, Dutch languages.
Charls B
Craigslist is an advertisement website with footed sections in personals, items wanted, for sale etc.
Craigslist- an advertisement website that deals in services like jobs, clarification of doubts and personal etc.