Latitude is used to express how far north or south you are, relative to the equator. If you are on the equator your latitude is zero. If you are near the north pole your latitude is nearly 90 degrees north. If you are near the south pole your latitude is almost 90 degrees south.
Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction, relative to the Greenwich meridian. Places to the east of Greenwich (such as Middle East, India and Japan) have longitude angles up to 180 degrees east. Places to the west of Greenwich (such as the Atlantic and North and South America) have angles up to 180 deg west. For inputting to the satellite dish pointing calculator, longitude west figures need to be input as negative numbers.
Latitude is used to express how far north or south you are, relative to the equator. If you are on the equator your latitude is zero. If you are near the north pole your latitude is nearly 90 degrees north. If you are near the south pole your latitude is almost 90 degrees south.
Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction, relative to the Greenwich meridian. Places to the east of Greenwich (such as Middle East, India and Japan) have longitude angles up to 180 degrees east. Places to the west of Greenwich (such as the Atlantic and North and South America) have angles up to 180 deg west. For inputting to the satellite dish pointing calculator, longitude west figures need to be input as negative numbers.
Latitude is used to express how far north or south you are, relative to the equator. If you are on the equator your latitude is zero. If you are near the north pole your latitude is nearly 90 degrees north. If you are near the south pole your latitude is almost 90 degrees south.
Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction, relative to the Greenwich meridian. Places to the east of Greenwich (such as Middle East, India and Japan) have longitude angles up to 180 degrees east. Places to the west of Greenwich (such as the Atlantic and North and South America) have angles up to 180 deg west. For inputting to the satellite dish pointing calculator, longitude west figures need to be input as negative numbers.
eAnswers Team
Latitude is used to express how far north or south you are, relative to the equator. If you are on the equator your latitude is zero. If you are near the north pole your latitude is nearly 90 degrees north. If you are near the south pole your latitude is almost 90 degrees south.
Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction, relative to the Greenwich meridian. Places to the east of Greenwich (such as Middle East, India and Japan) have longitude angles up to 180 degrees east. Places to the west of Greenwich (such as the Atlantic and North and South America) have angles up to 180 deg west. For inputting to the satellite dish pointing calculator, longitude west figures need to be input as negative numbers.
eAnswers Team
Latitude is used to express how far north or south you are, relative to the equator. If you are on the equator your latitude is zero. If you are near the north pole your latitude is nearly 90 degrees north. If you are near the south pole your latitude is almost 90 degrees south.
Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction, relative to the Greenwich meridian. Places to the east of Greenwich (such as Middle East, India and Japan) have longitude angles up to 180 degrees east. Places to the west of Greenwich (such as the Atlantic and North and South America) have angles up to 180 deg west. For inputting to the satellite dish pointing calculator, longitude west figures need to be input as negative numbers.
eAnswers Team
Latitude is used to express how far north or south you are, relative to the equator. If you are on the equator your latitude is zero. If you are near the north pole your latitude is nearly 90 degrees north. If you are near the south pole your latitude is almost 90 degrees south.
Longitude shows your location in an east-west direction, relative to the Greenwich meridian. Places to the east of Greenwich (such as Middle East, India and Japan) have longitude angles up to 180 degrees east. Places to the west of Greenwich (such as the Atlantic and North and South America) have angles up to 180 deg west. For inputting to the satellite dish pointing calculator, longitude west figures need to be input as negative numbers.