SNOBOL stands for StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language. SNOBOL is a computer Programming Language was developed during the 1960s at Bell Laboratories, by Griswold, Farber and Polonsky. It was specifically designed to work with strings of text.2 SNOBOL is an imperative language, with powerful string manipulation and pattern matching facilities. It’s finally implemented in 1967 called SNOBOL4.
SNOBOL stands for StriNg Oriented symBOlic Language. SNOBOL is a computer Programming Language was developed during the 1960s at Bell Laboratories, by Griswold, Farber and Polonsky. It was specifically designed to work with strings of text.2 SNOBOL is an imperative language, with powerful string manipulation and pattern matching facilities. It’s finally implemented in 1967 called SNOBOL4.
StriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language
eAnswers Team
SNOBOL stands for “StriNg Oriented and symBOlic Language”, it is a computer programming language developed in 1962.