That’s true, “Al Jazeera” which was said to be one of the most popular channels in Egypt has now become a most hated channel out there. According to the people in the channel has not become a lot more politically motivated and it’s showing some lies and misleading viewers. This is the reason many Egyptians found themselves flipping from Al Jazeera to other Egyptian networks.
That’s true, “Al Jazeera” which was said to be one of the most popular channels in Egypt has now become a most hated channel out there. According to the people in the channel has not become a lot more politically motivated and it’s showing some lies and misleading viewers. This is the reason many Egyptians found themselves flipping from Al Jazeera to other Egyptian networks.
That’s true, “Al Jazeera” which was said to be one of the most popular channels in Egypt has now become a most hated channel out there. According to the people in the channel has not become a lot more politically motivated and it’s showing some lies and misleading viewers. This is the reason many Egyptians found themselves flipping from Al Jazeera to other Egyptian networks.
eAnswers Team
That’s true, “Al Jazeera” which was said to be one of the most popular channels in Egypt has now become a most hated channel out there. According to the people in the channel has not become a lot more politically motivated and it’s showing some lies and misleading viewers. This is the reason many Egyptians found themselves flipping from Al Jazeera to other Egyptian networks.
eAnswers Team
That’s true, “Al Jazeera” which was said to be one of the most popular channels in Egypt has now become a most hated channel out there. According to the people in the channel has not become a lot more politically motivated and it’s showing some lies and misleading viewers. This is the reason many Egyptians found themselves flipping from Al Jazeera to other Egyptian networks.
eAnswers Team
That’s true, “Al Jazeera” which was said to be one of the most popular channels in Egypt has now become a most hated channel out there. According to the people in the channel has not become a lot more politically motivated and it’s showing some lies and misleading viewers. This is the reason many Egyptians found themselves flipping from Al Jazeera to other Egyptian networks.
super duu
Because it is neutral and non-explicit and movement of the truth
super duu
Because it is neutral and non-explicit and movement of the truth
super duu
Because it is neutral and non-explicit and movement of the truth