The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public broadcasting corporation of the United Kingdom. It is considered to be the oldest broadcasting organization in the world as it was founded in the year 1922. It runs a total of 59 radio stations in the United Kingdom in which 10 are national radio stations, 8 are regional radio stations and rest 41 are English radio stations.
To read names of all the radio stations, follow this link:
eAnswers Team
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a public broadcasting corporation of the United Kingdom. It is considered to be the oldest broadcasting organization in the world as it was founded in the year 1922. It runs a total of 59 radio stations in the United Kingdom in which 10 are national radio stations, 8 are regional radio stations and rest 41 are English radio stations.
To read names of all the radio stations, follow this link:
BBC runs a total of 59 radio stations in United States.