Amazon is an American online shopping store and was founded in the year 1994 by “Jeff Bezos”. It was started as an online book store and currently it has many products including Depository, Game Studios, Instant Video, Kindle, Lab126, Studios and App store. It has more than 20 service centers in 14 countries in the world and has four service centers in the US states i.e. Kennewick, Huntington, Grand Forks and Winchester.
eAnswers Team
Amazon is an American online shopping store and was founded in the year 1994 by “Jeff Bezos”. It was started as an online book store and currently it has many products including Depository, Game Studios, Instant Video, Kindle, Lab126, Studios and App store. It has more than 20 service centers in 14 countries in the world and has four service centers in the US states i.e. Kennewick, Huntington, Grand Forks and Winchester.