There are total 56 Minor Arcana Tarot cards in the tarot deck of 78 cards. According to the Latin suits these cards are equally divided into four major categories i.e. Wands (14), Pentacles, Cups and Swords. The rest of the 22 cards are called as the “Major Arcana”.
rose mery
There are total 56 Minor Arcana Tarot cards in the tarot deck of 78 cards.
There is a total of 56 Minor Arcana Tarot cards in the tarot deck of 78 cards
eAnswers Team
There are total 56 Minor Arcana Tarot cards in the tarot deck of 78 cards. According to the Latin suits these cards are equally divided into four major categories i.e. Wands (14), Pentacles, Cups and Swords. The rest of the 22 cards are called as the “Major Arcana”.