“Roadside Romeo” is the first 3D animated movie of India and was released on 24th October, 2008. It is a Hindi computer animated comedy film and was made with the total budget of 17 million US dollars. It has earned a total of 7.3 million US dollar worldwide and “Jugal Hansraj” is the director of this movie.
“Roadside Romeo” is a Hindi animated movie that was released in the year 2008 and is the first 3D animated movie of India.
The first 3D animated movie of India is “Roadside Romeo”.
eAnswers Team
“Roadside Romeo” is the first 3D animated movie of India and was released on 24th October, 2008. It is a Hindi computer animated comedy film and was made with the total budget of 17 million US dollars. It has earned a total of 7.3 million US dollar worldwide and “Jugal Hansraj” is the director of this movie.