The service called “Amazon Unbox” was established on September 7, 2006. Later on, its name was changed to “Amazon Video on Demand”. It is a video on demand service which is accessible through the internet. It provides different shows on television, movies for rent. We can also buy these movies. Its name was again changed to “Amazon instant video” in the year 2011.
rose mery
The service called “Amazon Unbox” was established on September 7, 2006.
eAnswers Team
The service called “Amazon Unbox” was established on September 7, 2006. Later on, its name was changed to “Amazon Video on Demand”. It is a video on demand service which is accessible through the internet. It provides different shows on television, movies for rent. We can also buy these movies. Its name was again changed to “Amazon instant video” in the year 2011.