Alexa Internet, Inc., is a subsidiary company of and was founded in the year 1996. This website mainly collects the commercial web traffic data and provides global rankings and other information on 30 million websites. Alexa website underwent a major redesign on March 31, 2009 in which some new and advance features were added that includes web traffic metrics, bounce rate, user time on site, visitor demographics, click-stream and search traffic statistics.
eAnswers Team
Alexa Internet, Inc., is a subsidiary company of and was founded in the year 1996. This website mainly collects the commercial web traffic data and provides global rankings and other information on 30 million websites. Alexa website underwent a major redesign on March 31, 2009 in which some new and advance features were added that includes web traffic metrics, bounce rate, user time on site, visitor demographics, click-stream and search traffic statistics.