“Thor: The Dark World” is an American superhero movie and the sequel of the movie “Thor (2011)”. It was released on 8th November, 2013 worldwide and on 22nd October, 2013 in England. It has earned a total of 479,765,000 dollars worldwide so far and become the 10th highest grossed movie in the year 2013. Kevin Feige is the producer of this movie and the director of this movie is Alan Taylor
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“Thor: The Dark World” is an American superhero movie and the sequel of the movie “Thor (2011)”. It was released on 8th November, 2013 worldwide and on 22nd October, 2013 in England. It has earned a total of 479,765,000 dollars worldwide so far and become the 10th highest grossed movie in the year 2013. Kevin Feige is the producer of this movie and the director of this movie is Alan Taylor