Its a very sad news that,Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, who made a striking debut opposite superstar Amitabh Bachchan in Ramgopal Varma's Nishabd, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself with a piece of cloth, at her Indian apartment at Sagar Tarang in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday night. The 25-year-Read more
Its a very sad news that,Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, who made a striking debut opposite superstar Amitabh Bachchan in Ramgopal Varma's Nishabd, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself with a piece of cloth, at her Indian apartment at Sagar Tarang in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday night. The 25-year-Read more
Its a very sad news that,Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, who made a striking debut opposite superstar Amitabh Bachchan in Ramgopal Varma's Nishabd, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself with a piece of cloth, at her Indian apartment at Sagar Tarang in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday night. The 25-year-Read more
Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of the Business output of the IT Service. The "Classical Availability" formula often seems to be the most practicaRead more
Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of the Business output of the IT Service. The "Classical Availability" formula often seems to be the most practicaRead more
Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of the Business output of the IT Service. The "Classical Availability" formula often seems to be the most practicaRead more
The wheels of a skateboard, usually made of polyurethane,Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane),Polyurethane products often are simply called “urethanes”, but should not be confused with ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethanRead more
The wheels of a skateboard, usually made of polyurethane,Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane),Polyurethane products often are simply called “urethanes”, but should not be confused with ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethanRead more
The wheels of a skateboard, usually made of polyurethane,Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane),Polyurethane products often are simply called “urethanes”, but should not be confused with ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethanRead more
What is more important in a gift – the gift itself or attention
Stupidity is also a gift of God, but one mustn't misuse it. Pope John Paul II
A Bollywood actress Jiah Khan committed suicide
Its a very sad news that,Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, who made a striking debut opposite superstar Amitabh Bachchan in Ramgopal Varma's Nishabd, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself with a piece of cloth, at her Indian apartment at Sagar Tarang in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday night. The 25-year-Read more
A Bollywood actress Jiah Khan committed suicide
Its a very sad news that,Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, who made a striking debut opposite superstar Amitabh Bachchan in Ramgopal Varma's Nishabd, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself with a piece of cloth, at her Indian apartment at Sagar Tarang in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday night. The 25-year-Read more
A Bollywood actress Jiah Khan committed suicide
Its a very sad news that,Bollywood actress Jiah Khan, who made a striking debut opposite superstar Amitabh Bachchan in Ramgopal Varma's Nishabd, allegedly committed suicide by hanging herself with a piece of cloth, at her Indian apartment at Sagar Tarang in Juhu, Mumbai on Monday night. The 25-year-Read more
How to check and calculate service availability
Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of the Business output of the IT Service. The "Classical Availability" formula often seems to be the most practicaRead more
How to check and calculate service availability
Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of the Business output of the IT Service. The "Classical Availability" formula often seems to be the most practicaRead more
How to check and calculate service availability
Availability is usually calculated as a percentage. This calculation is often based on Agreed Service Time and Downtime. It is Best Practice to calculate Availability using measurements of the Business output of the IT Service. The "Classical Availability" formula often seems to be the most practicaRead more
What are skateboard wheels made of
The wheels of a skateboard, usually made of polyurethane,Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane),Polyurethane products often are simply called “urethanes”, but should not be confused with ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethanRead more
What are skateboard wheels made of
The wheels of a skateboard, usually made of polyurethane,Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane),Polyurethane products often are simply called “urethanes”, but should not be confused with ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethanRead more
What are skateboard wheels made of
The wheels of a skateboard, usually made of polyurethane,Polyurethane (PUR and PU) is a polymer composed of a chain of organic units joined by carbamate (urethane),Polyurethane products often are simply called “urethanes”, but should not be confused with ethyl carbamate, which is also called urethanRead more